Thursday, November 28, 2019

Integrating Care And Justice Moral Development Essays - Morality

Integrating Care and Justice: Moral Development Sign up now for a free trial. Date Smarter! Integrating Care and Justice: Moral Development Part One: The criticisms of Kohlberg's moral development stages seem to center around three major points, his research methods, the "regression" of stage four, and finally his goals. The first criticism that I would like to address is that of his research methods. Kohlberg is often criticized for not only his subject selection, but also the methods by which he tries to extricate data from those subjects. His initial study consisted of school boys from a private institution in Chicago. The problem with this is fairly obvious, that this does not represent a significant portion of the population to allow for generalized conclusions. In other words, how can we test some boys from Chicago and ascertain that this is how all people develop worldwide? I believe that the answer to this criticism comes from the theory that it relates to. Kohlberg's moral development schema is highly dependent upon the idea that there are fundamental truths that cannot be dismissed. These ideas are "in the ether", wound into the very fabric that constructs human nature. Granted, his descriptions of the various stages also seem very dependent upon the surroundings and social institutions that an individual would be subjected to. Yet these institutions would be have to be built upon people, all of whom would share these ideological truths. It seems fairly obvious that all people have undeniable needs, survival and some group membership. Kohlberg's stages are merely methods by which one could fulfill these needs. For instance, Spartan societies were adamant about maintaining the purity and strength of the civilization. Citizens saw no wrong in exposing a sick or lame baby to the elements so that it might die. Surely an act of cruelty today, but in that society, a necessary evil The prosperity and wealth of the whole was of greater importance than that of the individual. In addition to these justifications, additional research substantiated Kohlberg's claims. Different subjects were tested, from all ages and regions, and the same conclusions were drawn from the data. Assuming that these conclusions are correct, and the data leads to the same interpretation, is there any other possibility? This argument seems most impressive, especially considering the differences between people that are evident in everyday life. Similarities on such an abstract level must be supportive of Kohlberg's claims. Another criticism of Kohlberg assumes that his subjects are biased, but proposes that his methods are even worse. To get the perspective of another person, he confronts them with seemingly impossible, unrealistic, and confrontational dilemmas. I, myself, had trouble with the Heinz dilemma because of my inability to believe that it was something that could take place in the real world. Even more so, the situation was something that was very foreign, and very hard to relate to. Anyone who has contemplated something very life changing, like a death in the family, then experienced it, understands how different it is to actually be faced with the dilemma. When theorizing, it is hard to maintain the intimate connection needed to truly react to a moral dilemma. My defense of this situation comes from a lack of a suitable alternative. True moral dilemmas are not only rare, but extremely hard to document. When faced with a situation that demands not only one's complete attention, but emotional vigor, it is really hard to find time to document or discuss feelings (let alone the motivation to do so!). For example, looking at the Heinz dilemma, it would be very hard to explain why one was chasing a man around while he tried to find a cure for his dying wife. An even less enticing alternative would be trying to sit him down and discuss how he was feeling. So, the only proper and effective way to get a response is to propose a hypothetical situation, and document replies. It may not elicit the pure data that one desires, but according to the Heisenberg principle, it is impossible to measure anything without influencing it. Some research methods indicate that it is more important to follow one's thoughts through the reasoning process, rather than just asking for possible solutions. However, I have to believe, and justify from personal experience, that people have incredibly low attention spans. Asking someone to explain how they think through a decision is almost as likely to yield useful data as asking them to volunteer their PIN numbers. It seems as though people are able not only to be influenced, but to influence themselves into making different decisions. This can

Monday, November 25, 2019

9 Weird Careers You Can Pursue in the USA

9 Weird Careers You Can Pursue in the USA 9 Weird Careers You Can Pursue in the USA Maybe you picked your major to pursue a specific career, but most of us go into our college education with an â€Å"open mind† (i.e., not having thought it through). As a result, we have a world of professional possibilities open to us. And though you might eventually opt for something conventional, it’s worth at least considering some more unusual options. Take this list of ten weird careers, for instance†¦ 1. Snake Milker Snake milkers have the peculiar job of squeezing the faces of deadly snakes, thereby extracting the venom for use in antivenoms. Although this is laudable, especially if you live in snake country, we can’t get past the fact that it involves putting your hands into the bitey bit of a venomous reptile. Not for the fainthearted. Theres nothing quite as refreshing as a cold glass of snake milk. [Photo: Barry Rogge] 2. Iceberg Wrangler Speaking of bravery, how do you fancy going toe-to-toe with an iceberg? That’s what the men and women of the International Ice Patrol do, patrolling the North Atlantic on the lookout for rogue chunks of ice! 3. Canine Surfboard Instructor While the International Ice Patrol focuses on keeping our coastal waters free from icebergs, others are working hard to fill them with surfboarding canines. Do the dogs get any say in it, though? Well leave you to judge how enthusiastic this guy feels about riding the waves. [Photo: Mike Baird] 4. Feeling Strangers’ Faces If you’re the kind of tactile person who instantly hugs strangers, why not put these skills to use as a professional â€Å"face feeler†? Otherwise known by the less-creepy term â€Å"sensory scientists,† face feelers run their highly-sensitive digits over people’s faces to test the effects of new cosmetic products. 5. Snuggling And if face feeling doesn’t satisfy your need for intimacy with strangers, you could always become a professional snuggler (don’t worry: it’s strictly platonic). 6. Dog Food Tester Maybe you think forcing dogs onto surfboards is cruel and want to do something to improve the lives of man’s best friend? How about testing their disgusting food? Yummy. The real question, of course, is why dog food manufacturers need professional testers when they cater for an animal that will happily eat its own vomit. Hungry yet? [Photo: NekoJaNekoJa] 7. Lip Reader (Sort Of) Nope, not the useful kind that interprets speech from watching lip movements alone. We’re talking about lipstick readers, who claim to tell your fortune based on the mark left by your lips. Like a palm reader, but with lips. Were sure theyre completely legit. Ahem. 8. Baby Name Consultant Picking a name for your child is a big decision, so why not get third-party advice? If you do follow this career path, please promise not to use your powers for evil by telling credulous parents-to-be that â€Å"Anusol† is a perfectly acceptable name for a girl. 9. Chicken Sexer Not quite as horrific as it sounds, but it does involve checking the sex of thousands of hatchling chicks in quick succession to divide them into males and females. So definitely a specialist interest.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

(For Engineering Applicants Only) If you are applying to the Pratt Essay

(For Engineering Applicants Only) If you are applying to the Pratt School of Engineering, please discuss why you want to study engineering and why you would like to study at Duke - Essay Example Besides, I chose Clark because it offers my desired 3/2 dual engineering program in conjunction with Columbia University which is another reputed university in U.S. It provides an opportunity to earn prestigious B.A. degree and B.S. degree in engineering from Columbia University (CU). I have the option to major in any of the fields of engineering available. The Engineering degree from CU would offer me a rewarding and lucrative career like job satisfaction, variety of career opportunities, working challenges including in scientific and technological areas , self professional development including creativity and critical thinking, financial security, status in society, beneficiary to the society etc. It has an academic program center in China. I would get an opportunity to experience all around American culture. In the changing world the Liberal Arts college provides career-based education than the broad-based, choosing of a right college for post-secondary education is therefore not only an individual choice but a big decision for a student. Lafayette College’s mission for commitment to intellectual integrity and achievement not only made my decision easy but is a right choice because I too follow the intellectual and achievement path for learning. I had been a student known for raising issues and discussing topics on different subjects related with my high school study in class as well as in school. This could become possible because of my intellectuality power like languages achievement (language fluency for both English and Chinese), visualizing, logical, problem creations and solving etc. Many honors and rewards conferred on me speak the truth for themselves. As a part of my ongoing intellectuality power I would of course try to participate in the distinctive McKelvy House Schol ars Program during my stay at Lafayette. I would utilize my intellectuality power to earn my Bachelors

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Acting out-Tranference and Countertransference Research Paper

Acting out-Tranference and Countertransference - Research Paper Example The notion of acting out has been imposed with various orientations and connotations. The thirty-year old precise definition, which was thought to be a rightful and analyzable form of resistance, has now been extended to make room for delinquent behaviors and pathological and impulsive actions. The expression is now used by various psychoanalysts and others to include a variety of antisocial, impulsive and unsafe actions, often without keeping in mind the context in which the action arose. It is also sometimes used in derogatory sense to indicate dissatisfaction in the actions of patients. The present puzzlement around the phenomenon basically starts from the time when Sigmund Freud translated the term. In 1901, Freud used the informal term handeln meaning ‘to act’ to describe faulty actions, which according to him had unconscious importance. However, in 1905, he used a less informal term, agieren which also meant ‘to act’, but with a more forceful connotation. Freud initiated the expression in agieren as ‘Remembering, repeating and working through’ (1914). Agieren was then translated as ‘acting out’ and it is most likely that it is the translation that had lead to uncertainty in the psychological literature. Acting out basically refers to the release through actions, rather than verbalization, of conflicted mental substance. Even though there is a difference between act and word, both types of liberations are answers to a return of the repressed; repeated in the case of actions and remembered in the case of words. Another difference sometimes drawn is between acting out and acting in, used to differentiate between actions that occur outside the psychoanalytical treatment and actions that take place within treatment. The concept of acting out is strongly related to the theory of the transference and its advancement. Even though Freud treated the transference as the source of acting out and as a hindrance to the treatment

Monday, November 18, 2019

History of Theatre Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of Theatre - Research Paper Example The spectacle is the inclusion of effects such as costumes, scenery and everything else to do with the fact that a player has a visual element and is watched and not just heard. (Bryson) Aristotle quells such questions and explains that music creates and enhances the mood that compliments the emotion being depicted by the characters in the play. Music’s major function in a play is to reinforce the emotional content (Aaron). Music has been forever championed as an effective mode of communication. (Lipscomb and Tolchinsky)Even when played in the background when at many times one doesn’t even notice that a melody is being played, music is still effective in setting the mood and creating an environment that compliments the theme of the play. Music at times has also been called the ‘fourth dimension’ that magnifies the impact of a particular scene or setting within the play (Drama Music). The famous novelist Victor Hugo stated that music can be used to put across thoughts and emotions which need to be expressed but there are no words to describe them. Also mentionable is the fact that audiences, once they leave the theatre, do not remember the dialogues but can definitely recall the songs and re-live the entire play through the songs and melody recollection in their minds (Mackintosh). All evidence supp orts Aristotle views that ‘music is a form of imitation’ and that different types and tones of music can easily help and elicit different types of responses from individuals. It has been suggested that theatre and drama fell into total crumble during the early 17th century. In the late 16th century, renaissance drama evolved during the period of Queen Elizabeth 1. During this time, neoclassicism was almost completely ignored. The  drama focused more on forms that were popular with the audiences.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Ebola Virus Explained Essay

Ebola Virus Explained Essay Introduction Ebola virus is one of the most virulent and lethal pathogens known to human. Ebola virus epidemics have emerged from time to time since it was first discovered in 1976 from the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly known as Zaire, but the largest known Ebola virus outbreak up to date is ongoing at the time of writing this article, in West Africa. Approximately 550 000 cases are estimated to be reported from Sierra Leone and Liberia by the 20th of January 2015. The transmission of the infection to a number of countries including Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and occasional cases being reported from USA, Canada, Netherland and India reveal the potential of the infection to get spread worldwide. Despite this disease being highly contagious, life-threatening, and no specific treatment being found, it can be prevented with the use of proper infection prevention and control measures. The study of the Ebola virus disease is important as that knowledge will pave the way for the red uction of victims, the invention of an effective drug and will also be useful in the management of a similar epidemic. Virology Ebola virus is a member of the family Filoviridae. As the name implies the virus is filamentous in shape. Marburg virus and Ebolavirus are the two main genera of the viral family which are medically important. Viruses of these two genera are studied and presented together due to their many similarities in the life cycle, the primary reservoirs, ways of transmission, clinical presentation, treatment and prevention measures. The only noted difference is that the Marburgvirus is spread by bat species adapted to open forests such as savannah whereas Ebolavirus is spread by bat species adapted to deep rain forests(1). Five subtypes of Ebolavirus namely, Ebolavirus zaire, Ebolavirus sudan, Ebolavirus reston, Ebolavirus cote d’ Ivore, and Ebolavirus bundibugyo have been identified and named after the area in which they were first discovered(1). Of these E. Zaire was the first to be isolated and studied(1) and it is responsible for the most number of outbreaks(1) including the latest outbreak in 2014 before which E. sudan accounted for  ¼ of all Ebolavirus deaths(1). Except for the slight lower fatality rate, E. sudan is more or less similar to E. zaire. The case fatality rate of E. sudan is reported as 40-60% and that of E. zaire as 60-90% (3). Transmission Ebola is initially transmitted to human as a zoonosis. Various species of fruit bats found throughout central and sub Saharan Africa as hosts (2),( 4). Contact with bats through bites and scratches or exposure to their secretions and excretions through broken skin or mucous membranes can cause the infection in humans (2), (4). The infection can also be transmitted through other end hosts. Those recorded from Africa are forest antelopes, porcupines, chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys and other non-human primates. Attacks during hunting these animals or handling infected animal carcasses have resulted in the introduction of the virus to the human population from the wild (1).The outbreak of the epidemic begins with the subsequent transmission of the infection from the index case to secondary individuals. An outbreak often begins from a single introduction to a human from the wild, which involves virus variants of little genetic diversity. Records reveal that outbreaks stemmed from multiple introductions lead to distinct chains of human to human transmission with a greater diversity in the virus variants(5). EVD is highly contagious. The infection may spread in the community and in the hospital environment through direct contact with infected body fluids such as blood, secretions and excretions or tissue of an acute patient or through direct contact with contaminated materials like clothes and bed linen(1). One major reason for the rapid spread of the epidemic is the traditional funeral rituals, which include cleansing of the cadaver, removal of hair finger nails, toe nails and clothing. People taking care of infected people including health care staff also have a high risk of contracting the disease. Moreover semen of male survivors is said to remain infectious for up to 82 days after the onset of the symptoms. As long as the virus remains in the body fluids the person remains infectious. Airborne transmission of Ebola virus is strongly suspected but is not yet experimentally proven. Clinical Presentation EVD caused by different strains of Ebola virus bring about different clinical features. Incubation period of Ebola virus is generally considered as 2 – 21 days. (1, 3) Ebola virus disease shows various acutely developing constitutional prodromal symptoms which lead to a wide range of differential diagnosis including not only other viral haemorrhagic fevers, but also malaria (3), typhoid (3), cholera (1), other bacterial rickettsial and even non-infectious causes of haemorrhage. The evolution of the disease resembles that of a severe haemorrhagic fever. Patients present with high fever, temperatures being as high as 39-400C (3, 6), body aches and fatigue (3).Subsequently gastrointestinal symptoms such as epigastric pain nausea, vomits and /or diarrhoea without blood appear if fever persists until day 3 – 5 (6). After 4 – 5 days of illness (4) a macular rash may appear but it may not be clearly noticeable on dark skin (1). After this stage haemorrhage from different sites begin. Bleeding from both upper and lower digestive tract, respiratory tract, urinary tract, vagina in females can be observed (1, 3). Further petechiae on the buccal mucosa, skin and conjunctivae develop. Recurrent episodes of vomiting which prevents any oral intake of fluids and large amounts of watery diarrhoea (5 or more liters per day) (6) contributes to a massive fluid loss leading to dehydration. If fluid replacement is inadequate, prostration, severe lethargy and ultimately hypovolaemic shock follows. Hypovolaemic shock has been reported in 60% of the cases (6). Despite the high body temperatures, patients acquire cold extremities due to peripheral vasoconstriction. Rapid and thready pulses, tachypnea, oliguria or anuria can be observed (6). Simultaneously features such as asthenia chest and abdominal pains, pains in muscles and joints and headaches develop. Although in some cases cough and dyspnea occur due to pulmonary haemorrhages, other respiratory symptoms except for hiccups are uncommon (6). Conjunctival injection is a common clinical feature. Neurologic symptoms that are usually seen are hypoactive and hyperactive delirium characterized by slowed cognitive functions, confusion, agitation and rarely seizures (6). As the disease evolves internal bleeding can also start but generally by this time patients are already in a state of coma (1). It is reported that only 5% of the patients present with haemorrhage from gastro intestinal tract before death. Most of the reported deaths have occurred due to shock during the 7th to 12th day of illness. Symptoms of 40% of the patients have improved around the 10th day though symptoms like oral ulcers and thrush have developed. Most of the patients who survived up to the 13th day have shown a higher chance of ultimately getting recovered. Some patients who showed initial improvement of symptoms have developed neck rigidity and lowered levels of consciousness which are associated with late mortality. Pathology Examination of autopsies and post-mortem biopsies is extremely useful in the study of the pathology of the ebola virus disease. Due to the biosafety risk to the autopsy personnel when handling specimens, pathological descriptions of only a limited number of cases are available (7). A common finding of Haematoxilin and eosine stained tissue sections is oval shaped or filamentous eosinophilic intracellular inclusions which are formed by the aggregation of nucleocapsids of the virus. These inclusions can be detected in macrophages, hepatocytes, endothelial cells, connective tissue fibroblasts etc. Immunohistochemical stains reveal viral antigens in cells of various infected tissues including macrophages, dendritic cells, epithelial cells of sweat and sebaceous glands, interstitial and tubular cells of the kidney, seminiferous tubules, endothelial cells and endocardial cells. In addition necrotic cells and cell debris contain antigens in large quantities. Electron microscopy exhibits abundant free virus particles in alveolar spaces, liver sinusoids, and interstitial cells of the testis and in dermal collagen. Karyorrhexis and apoptosis are seen in the cells of the portal triads, macrophages of the red pulp of the spleen and in the tubular epithelial cells of the ki dney (7). Liver tissue shows the most symptomatic histopathological features including focal or widespread necrosis of hepatocytes and mild steatosis. Although usually inflammation is minimal, hyperplasia of kupfer cells and infiltration of mononuclear inflammatory cells is seen. Infected lung shows congestion, haemorrhage and intra-alveolar oedema but inflammation is not significant. Mild focal infiltrates of mononuclear inflammatory cells are known to occur in the lamina propria of the stomach small intestine and the colon. Skin biopsies reveal dermal oedema, focal haemorrhages, petechiae, ecchymoses, and macular rashes. The spleen and lymph nodes exhibit widespread lymphoid depletion due to apoptosis and necrosis. Inflammation of the kidney is not evident although acute tubular necrosis is a usual finding. Even though the endocardium of the heart contains viral antigens, the myocardium does not show any significant damage. Brain histology shows panencephalitis and perivascular infiltration of lymphocytes (7). Prevention World Health organization (WHO) has recommended a set of infection prevention and control measures for health-care workers that include precautions that should be taken at different stages of managing EVD patients Standard precautions Regardless of the diagnosis it is recommended for health-care workers to take standard precautions when handling all patients, as it is difficult to identify EVD patients during early stages of the disease. These are, Performing hand hygiene Using disposable gloves before touching materials probable of being contaminated with virus Wearing eye protection and gown before involving in procedures which have a possibility of body fluids being projected. Hand hygiene Hand hygiene must be performed using soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub solution, following WHO recommended technique, before wearing gloves and personal protective equipment (PPE) after an exposure to a patient’s body fluids after a contact with a contaminated surface or equipment after removing PPE. if hands are visibly soiled Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) PPE should be worn before entering EVD patients’ care areas according to the recommended order by WHO and removed before leaving the care area. Contact of a used PPE with any part of the face or non-intact skin should be avoided. The PPE includes, Non-sterile gloves of the correct size Impermeable and disposable gown with long sleeves Face shield Puncture resistant and impermeable closed shoes Patient placement and management Suspected or confirmed EVD patients should be isolated and if possible kept in single rooms. If not they must be placed in beds with at least 1m gap in between. Visitors must be restricted except for those who are needed for the well-being of the patient such as a child’s parent. Management of used equipment and other materials It is recommended that equipment like stethoscopes should be decontaminated and sterilized before reuse, if separate equipment is not available. Parenteral medication equipment, surgical blades, syringes and needles should never be reused. They should be disposed in puncture resistant bins. All non-sharp solid waste should be disposed in to leak-proof bags or bins. Used linen should be collected in leak-proof bags kept at the place of use. They should be washed with water and detergent, rinsed, soaked in 0.05% chlorine for 30 minutes and then dried. All bins must always remain upright and should be sealed when  ¾ full. Before being taken out of the wards the outer surfaces of these containers must be disinfected using 0.5% chlorine. Environmental cleaning Cleaners should wear heavy-duty rubber gloves, and impermeable, puncture proof boots in addition to the PPE. Water and detergent must be used to clean the work surfaces and floors of the hospital. This should be practiced at least once a day. Other contaminated surfaces and objects must be cleaned and disinfected using 0.5% chlorine. Handling of biological material Performing autopsies, post-mortem biopsies and other laboratory tests of tissue samples of EVD confirmed or suspected patients should be minimized and should only be performed by trained personnel. Full PPE must be worn during handling specimens. All specimens should be delivered in clearly labeled, leak-proof, non-breakable, containers with disinfected outer surfaces. Dead bodies must never be washed or embalmed. They should be sealed in double bags, disinfected with 0.5% chlorine and buried promptly. Some cultural and religious rituals can be adapted if needed, but handling of the body must be kept to a minimum and full PPE must be worn at all times. In case of exposure to infected body fluids All current tasks must be safely and immediately stopped and PPE must be removed safely. Affected skin should be washed with soap and water and any affected mucous membranes like conjunctiva should be washed off with a plenty of running water. The person should be checked for fever and other symptoms for 21 days. Pathogenesis Pathogenesis of Ebola virus shows a similarity to that of most of the other filoviruses which involves immunosuppression, increased vascular permeability and coagulopathy (7, 18). Ebola virus enters the host though abrasions of the skin, though mucous membranes or though injection by accident. The virus enters monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells and gets carried away via lymphatics to the circulation. It then spreads to the liver and spleen infecting tissue macrophages and fibroblastic reticular cells. The main cellular targets of the virus are macrophages, dendritic cells and kupfer cells. Ebola virus shows interaction between varieties of cellular proteins which is why the infection is characterized by broad tissue and organ tropism. Immunopathology In most of the viral infections immune system plays a major role in containing the infection from spreading. However the tissues and organs of fatal EVD cases show minimal inflammation, suggesting of impairment in the immune responses. It has been found that structural proteins of filoviruses e.g. VP24 (Virion protein) and VP35 inhibit interferon responses and thus evade the host innate immunity. As previously mentioned, apoptosis of natural killer cells and T lymphocytes is revealed in histopathology which explains the suppression of the adaptive immune responses. As in many severe infections, Ebola virus infection also causes a massive release of pro-inflammatory mediators and vasoactive substances. Even though the pro-inflammatory mediators promote inflammation and coagulation, the systemic spread of the infection is not effectively controlled. This is probably due to the vasodilation mediated by the vasoactive substances. Endothelial dysfunction and coagulopathy The virus invades endothelial cells and endocardial cells and causes injury (18). This results in internal haemorrhage, fluid and electrolyte imbalance and cardiovascular failure. Endothelial damage results in the platelet aggregation and consumption. The increased level of pro-inflammatory factors and the increased production of surface tissue factor protein in infected monocytes and macrophages promote the coagulation cascade. Due to the hepatocellular damage the production of coagulation factors, fibrinogen, protein C and S are also decreased .Collectively this results in disseminated intravascular coagulation. Other socio-economic problems related to Ebola virus epidemics When considering the current outbreak, in addition to the huge number of lives that has been succumbed to the disease, it has created many other critical problems not only in Ebola hit countries, but in other African countries as well. Agriculture has the biggest contribution to the African economy. As many farmers have died of the epidemic and many have abandoned their farmlands in the fear of catching the disease, there is a huge labour shortage in these countries and a fall of food production. An emergence of a food scarcity in the near future is predicted by experts. Chocolate producing companies and many other industries are greatly affected by labour shortage. Nigeria and Ivory Coast are major cacao producing countries but most of the workers are migrants from Liberia and Guinea. International companies like Nestle and Mars have launched education and fundraising programmes to prevent the spread of the infection among cacao workers. Many schools have been closed owing to the deadly infection surging through the country. Besides the impact on education, the feeding programme carried on by the governments for children has come to a standstill as a consequence. Tourism is another sector hit by the epidemic. Even though Africa is a large continent bigger than Europe, USA and China combined; tourists tend to see it as a single country since the Ebola epidemic has emerged. For instance, Tanzania, a famous wild life destination is an East African country, more than 6000 miles away from an Ebola hit land. It is reported that hotels of Tanzania have lost 50% of bookings for 2015 (21). Many African countries refuse to host international events and conferences due to the risk of the Ebola epidemic being introduced. For example, Morocco, the host of African Cup of Nations, which is scheduled to January 2015, requests a postponement. The government says, â€Å"There is no way we can be lenient with the health and safety of the Moroccan citizens† (24).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Irony in Everyday Life :: Irony Essays

In general, a discrepancy between appearances and reality is irony. Irony is encountered thoughout our daily activies and comes in many forms; verbal, situational, and cosmic. Verbal irony is the most familiar kind, this occurs when we understand that the speaker's meaning is far from the usual meaning. For example, Sally rushes all morning to get to the parking lot early, only to find her space taken, she then exclaims,"This is exacly why I rushed, just so I can hunt for a empty space." We understand that she is not happy, and that her meaning is not literal. A form of verbal irony is sarcasm, this is when the statement made is ironic, but it is bitter, coarse, and vulgar. An example of this is, a Beth says to Sally (who is covered in mud), "Oh Sally, you look so nice today!" The comment from Beth is made out of spite, simply to be rude and unkind. Sally understands that Beth's real meaning is not what was said. The second form of irony is situational, this form is often confused with cosmic, the difference between the two is minimal. Situational irony is contradiction between what is expected to happen and happens. In cosmic irony the contradiction takes place, but a supernatural force is said to smoking campain, smokes. It would not be ironic for Kim to smoke, however the circumstances make the situation ironic. However; Anne, the head of MADD, on her way to a meeting with the organization, is struck by a drunk driver and dies, not knowing that the drunk driver,who survives without a scratch, was her son. This is an example of both situational and cosmic irony. The situation is ironic but, a supernatural force seems to have created the situation. An example of the third form of irony, cosmic, is found in the story "The Necklace," in which a wife loses a diamond necklace that was lended to her, she and her husband work ten years to pay back the money they lended to buy a new necklace, only to discover the original necklace was fake.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Prisons would not exist in a truly Christian society Essay

â€Å"Prisons would not exist in a truly Christian society.† Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have considered more that one point of view. All societies have different forms of punishment for people who break the law, some of these punishments are; the death penalty, imprisonment and fines. In this question I will explore both sides of the argument. Firstly I will be talking about the ideas of prisons not existing in a truly Christian society then compare them to those of prisons existing. Christians believe that God is merciful and compassionate; this therefore gives the sinner the chance to repent and to turn away from their sins. An example of this is when Jesus does not condemn the Adulterous Women but tells her not to sin again. This gives her the chance for her to acknowledge her sins and therefore not commit this crime again. Moreover this will encourage people to take the chance to change and they won’t commit any crime again, then being no point for prisons to exist. However this may not be the case as people might not just change, maybe they don’t want to be a better person. Another reason for prisons not to exist is if you send all the criminals to the same place prisons could turn into a college of crime and there people would only educate each other in more law – breaking ideas, and organise and take part in criminal activities. Thirdly, sending people away to prison is making them outcasts to the out side society, this is not what Jesus wanted as he deliberately sought out those people on the edge of society such as; lepers. Prisons would not exist as sending someone to prison is not a sign of forgiveness, it is taking someone’s life away, and only God can do this. However Prisons could exist in a truly Christian society as prisons offer people the chance to reform through the support of other people such as counsellors or Chaplin’s. Again, Prisons could exist in a truly Christian society as it is the Christians responsibly to create the Kingdom of God and therefore prisons could lock away those who would cause harm to the society and stop the Kingdom of God coming about. An example of a teaching for Prisons existing in the bible is of the Cain and Abel story. In this story Cain murders his brother Abel, and God gets angry with him and gives him the punishment of him being banished from his home and curses him so that he will never be able to earn a living on the land again. Some Christians would say that Cain’s exile resembles prison. Sending a criminal to prison gives the person time to reflect on what they have done wrong and gives time to change. In conclusion, it would seem that prisons would not exist in a truly Christian society because it is not showing or practicing the signs of forgiveness, yet it is possible that prisons are compatible with Christian teaching because of the Cain and Abel story, what with Cain being made an outcast. In my opinion, I believe that prisons should not exist as people should always be given a second chance, the chance to change.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Iconology and Semiotics Comparison Essay Example

Iconology and Semiotics Comparison Essay Example Iconology and Semiotics Comparison Essay Iconology and Semiotics Comparison Essay 11/11/2013 Edgar Gomes Prof. Brooks, Art History and Appreciation II Art Paper # 2: Iconology and Semiotics Comparison We as humans all have an item or two that has been passed down or inherited. Whether it is from a family member or a close friend, we have received something that has a deep meaning and/or tells a story about someone or something that extremely relates to ones self. The meaning the original object or story holder has, does not mean it is understood by others who hold the same story or object. As a 2 years old kid, I received a tiny sphere shaped black stone pendant, with white polka ots and gold plates on the north and south points. As I got older and was explained what it meant to our culture, I started understanding and appreciating it as I grew older. The sphere is supposed to protect the person who receives it from all evil and bad luck. It is usually given to the children from the mother or a close family member. Also the purpose and meaning is defeated if someone gives their selves the sphere. To other cultures, or people I am sure the sphere is considered Just a gifted sphere from someone with nothing else but an object and over seen as such an intangible meaning and beliefs. In the art world this situation is consider iconology and/or semiotics. During this paper I will be discussing how I think iconology and semiotics are very similar. In our everyday lives we go through things we dont know the meanings of or how it came about. Iconology is a great deal of this concept. Iconology is the study of visual imagery and its symbolism and interpretation, especially in art, social and political terms. This term was given by the Erwin Panofsky (1892 1968) when he published Studies in Iconology during 1939. In Panofskys study of art objects and images there are 3 points. The 1st level is as simple as identification. For example, if I showed you a picture of a man with armor on his body and sword in his hand, you are going to automatically identify the man as a warrior without anyone telling you that. The 2nd point is connecting artistic patterns with concepts, themes or conventional meaning. This step is linking what you know about the artist patterns based on theme and concepts. His 3rd point is probably best explained when quoted, It is apprehended by ascertaining those underlying principles which reveal the basic attitude of a nation, a period, class, a religious or hilosophical persuasion qualified by one personality and condensed into one workl . In other words Panofsky is saying that we have to use our own interpretation from common knowledge of the art product in order to comprehend it. If I asked anyone to think of and draw an old school cowboy, I would most likely have the same description of one as they would. He would have mulatto/dark skin, bow and arrows, fit/muscular body and a gentleman on a horse. However, if I asked for someone to think of a modern cowboy, they would think of the latest Caucasian, wild west, big ough hands, horse riding, with a gun on the waist or ankle holster and whos an asshole to most people. I am sure these are the image that comes to most peoples mind who thinks of those two different cowboys. This here to me is a great example cowboys thru pictures, art, movies and stories. The items/obJects and descriptions of the cowboys are icons to us and how we relate to who they are and what period of time it is. Semiotics is the study of symbols, signs and interpretation. In other words, it is the observation and use of signs and symbols. In the art worlds the nterpretation is all about the audience/viewer. Whatever it is they intake and digests about the art work, symbol or signs is what matters in this case. Semiotics happens to use in an everyday life basis and some of us dont even know or care for. Just as iconology, it has to do a lot with cultural, religion, nation, and period in time. All those points that connect iconology and semiotics are Just plain knowledge and experience in my opinion. With both having very strong similarities as one basically makes the other. Also it wouldnt be far fetching if someone can said they basically make each ther. I would not disagree with someone that says that because I find that totally acceptable. With iconology comes a symbol and representation of what you know and can identify with a person or a thing. That meaning comes from the persons logic, knowledge, culture, nation and period in time. In my opinion, the only little difference from the two mythology is where the person has no info or knowledge personally or given of the art work. For example, in 1943, Pablo Picasso described this to photographer George Brassal about his Bulls Headii artwork, Guess how I made the bulls head? One day, in a pile of objects all Jumbled up together, I found an old bicycle seat right next to a rusty set of handlebars. In a flash, they Joined together in my head. The idea of the Bulls Head came to me before I had a chance to think. All I did was weld them together [but] if you were only to see the bulls head and not the bicycle seat and handlebars that form it, the sculpture would lose some of its impact. 2 This is why I believe that both mythologies are so similar and feed off one another. In iconology terms this object could be a symbol that people have seen most nd relate the most from before throughout their life time, and it would most likely and up signifying a bicycle which most people have seen and relate to, appose to a bull. At the same time, someone can get to that same conclusion using Semiotics because if all one sees visually is what they had experienced in the past, which in this case I am sure most people have seen and dealt with a bicycle more than a bulls head. So naturally those people are going to relate to the sculpture as a bicycle. Experience and knowledge has a lot to do with these two mythologies and how one reacts visual, emotionally, and mentally. Another example I can give about how these two are very similar but yet a bit different is on the title. Without the title of the art work, there is no telling what a persons idea of the sculpture would be. However, given the title, which would affect the iconic knowledge of a person, people would surely have the idea that the sculpture is a bulls head. That little difference of where someone or something tells you what something means can be the difference in how you intake something solely based on your own opinion, emotion, or knowledge. To conclude, iconology and semiotics have extreme similarities but however do have a mall difference in my opinion. They actually even collaborate with each other because seeing and understanding something means you need the base knowledge of something. Something involving iconology is when an icon or object has been given to you over time with other art work knowledge, which is sometimes slightly perspective of the art work can be different since is Just based on the persons own emotion, knowledge, experience and time. As the example that I gave earlier about the Bulls Head, The mythologies are so similar that they basically lead to the same utlook and view on how one might end up getting the same perspective of the art work. However, they are still a tiny different and a small change to the detail as the title being given. Also knowing that Picasso was a Spaniard, and having the very common knowledge that it is a yearly tradition that they have the running of the bulls in Spain, can make the difference within the two mythologies. i Cape Verdean spirit sphere/ball pendant ii Penrose, Roland (1981). Picasso: His Life and Work, Third edition. University of californta press. p. 345. ISBN 0-520-04207-7.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Compare and Contrast Catrin by Gillian Clarke with Digging by Seamus Heaney Essay Example

Compare and Contrast Catrin by Gillian Clarke with Digging by Seamus Heaney Essay Example Compare and Contrast Catrin by Gillian Clarke with Digging by Seamus Heaney Paper Compare and Contrast Catrin by Gillian Clarke with Digging by Seamus Heaney Paper Essay Topic: Literature Seamus Heaney Poems In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting Digging by the Irish poet Seamus Heaney with Catrin by the Welsh poet Gillian Clarke. I will begin by discussing the aspects of Digging which includes the title, content, theme, setting, style, message and my own personal response. I will also explain what the two poems are about. Following the discussion of Digging I will then compare it with the poem Catrin. The tittle Digging creates a lot of images and plans many scenarios towards what it actually stands for. What it tells me about the poem is that Digging is the main feature and could be used to compare with other activities. It shows its about people digging with shiny spades on dirty parts of land. The setting of the poem changes due to Heaneys memories of his father and grandfather. In stanza three Heaney describes where his fathers place of work is situated. To do this he added the purpose towards what he is actually digging for. Til his straining rump among the flowerbeds. The potato drills where he was digging. (Stanza 3) The thought of flowerbeds and potatoes creates images showing neatly spread out rows upon short, green beautiful grass. The flowerbeds add pride to where he is digging as it shows its a place well kept. To me, this scenario is described in a way that is based on an allotment. Seamus Heaney describes where his grandfather digs from stanzas six to eight. Nicking and slicing neatly, heaving sods over his shoulder, going down for the good turf. (Stanza 7) I used all of stanza seven as a quote because the words written are all relevant to describe where his grandfather works. It proves that where his grandfather digs differentiated from where his grandfather digs. This also proves that the setting changes due to Seamus Heaneys memories of his father and grandfather. The differences between the settings are shown by key words in stanzas. Good turf and Sods show that where his grandfather digs is based on a field. Flowerbeds and Potatoes shows that where his father digs is based on an allotment. The style of the poem is written in a common way. The layout consists of short effective paragraphs that includes passionate descriptive writing about his life. The literacy device Seamus Heaney uses consists of onomatopoeia throughout parts of the poem. What this means is that the formation of a word whose sound suggests its meaning. An example of onomatopoeia is used in stanza two. A clean rasping sound. (Stanza 2) When Seamus Heaney is describing what he can hear under his window, he uses the word Rasping to prove to the reader what it actually sounds like. The effect on using this device, when reading, the word Rasping creates an image showing a spade scraping against a rough surface. Another effective use of onomatopoeia is shown in stanza seven. In his stanza he is talking about how his grandfather works and what he does. To create that image for the reader showing his grandfather cutting turf, Seamus Heaney uses the word Slicing. Comparing with the example before there is no difference to as he effect it gives off. The achievement of these onomatopoeic words is that they give a clear understanding to the reader. As the poet is describing what he can see and hear, using the words Slicing and Rasping the reader will also see and hear the same. Throughout the poem Seamus Heaney describes the different kinds of digging work his father and grandfather does. He also describes how they work and the techniques they use. Against the inside knee was levered firmly. (Stanza 4) This quote is describing his fathers technique on how to stand and hold the spade. This technique to Seamus tells him that his father has been doing this kind of work for a long time. The technique was a family trade passed down from his father, which is Seamuss grandfather. By God, the old man could handle a spade. Just like his old man. (Stanza 5) As his father got his techniques from his grandfather, he also describes about his grandfathers way of digging. Slicing neatly. (Stanza 7) Cut more turf than any over man. (Stanza 6) The Slicing neatly quote proves that he was good at his job. It also shows that he had a commitment for what he was doing. Like his son, his technique must have been of high quality. The quote Cut more turf than any other man shows that he was a quick worker but also shows that Seamus is proud of what his father and grandfather do. The overall message that Seamus Heaney is trying to inform is that you dont have to follow in your familys footsteps. But Ive no spade to follow men like them. (Stanza 8) I think what this quote means is that from the start, Seamus Heaney knew that he could never be as good at digging as his father and grandfather. It might not have been that he didnt want to, I think its just that he didnt want to disappoint his familys tradition by doing it wrong. The squat pen rests. Ill dig with it. (Stanza 9) In the end Seamus Heaneys decision to become a poet was an understandable decision. Using the quote, Seamus couldnt become a digger for all kinds of reasons but then described that he could write the same way as his family digs. By God, the old man could handle a spade. Just like his old man. (Stanza 5) Using his familys skills of digging, Seamus Heaney created a simile towards his occupation. He put his effort into writing like his family did with digging and dug with his pen like they did with their spades. I thought the point of the poem was easy to understand in the way that the poet was trying to get it across. I think that Seamus Heaney was making sure that the reader would understand what it was like to hear his family digging with onomatopoeic words, Rasping. He wanted to make sure that the reader knew how good his family was at digging so that they knew he couldnt compare with them. But Ive no spade to follow men like them. (Stanza 8) I agree with the message about not having to follow in your familys footsteps or doing something you dont want to do. If you are skilled at something else, like Seamus Heaney, that person should follow their instincts. It was also an amazing comparison to relate digging to writing. Pen rests. Ill dig with it. (Stanza 9) The message in Digging was successful because it was written with a purpose and a meaning. In some cases, the message in the poem is written with out any thought towards the reader. This time Seamus Heaney wrote a message that had a meaning, which could be used in other peoples lives. Following the discussion of Digging I am now going to compare it with the poem Catrin written by Gillian Clarke. The similarity between both poems is that they have a general link to do with parent and child. In Digging Seamus Heaney the poet talks about how his father works as a digger and that he couldnt compare with him as his skills laid as a poet. In Catrin there is a bond between a mother and daughter. The mother cant understand how her daughter has grown up since the day at the hospital. The language used in both poems seems to be differed through most of the content. In the Digging poem the language used by the poet is presented in the way that he is talking about his family. Till his straining rump among the flowerbeds. (Stanza 3) In the Catrin poem the language is used differently, in fact quite the opposite. Comparing with the Digging poem, Catrin is written in a way that the mother is talking to the child instead of talking about the child. I remember you, child as I stood in a hot white room. (Lines 1-3) The way in which Digging is laid out is also different compared to Catrin. Seamus Heaney spreads out the poem into nine paragraphs. The language in all nine are about feelings but is harder to understand then Catrin. Gillian Clarke presents the poem into two paragraphs. One is about the past and the other present. This technique is easier to understand rather than Seamus Heaneys. For my conclusion I will be discussing the questions: .Which are the most significant links between the poems? . What are the major differences between both poems? . Is there more linking the poems then separating them? . Is there one poem that you could identify more with than the other? . Do you think one of the poems is more successful than the other in presenting its message? The most significant link between the two poems is of course the parent and child situation. In the Digging poem there is a father and son who have a bond. Even though the son didnt follow in his fathers footsteps in digging, he described that he was going to write just the same, as his father would dig. The squat pen rests. Ill dig with it (Stanza 9) In the Catrin poem there is a mother and a daughter who also have a bond. The similarities are that the younger generation in both families takes after their older relatives even though they dont do the same work. The major difference between the poems is that in Digging the son is imagining about his father. He talks about how he remembers his father digging under his window and the sounds he use to hear. These are the memories of what has happened. In Catrin the difference is that the mother is talking about her daughter. She talks about the past but also talks about whats actually happening in the present. I think that the poems are more similar than dissimilar. My reasons are that in both poems the people in it are parent and child and both show the same feelings. In Digging the son shows that he is happy about the memories of his father. This is linked with the mother in Catrin who remembers the birth of her daughter, which is a pleasant memory to her. I dont think there is much difference between the poems so I couldnt identify one from the other. The layout of Catrin though was easier to understand compared to digging. One paragraph of happy memories and one of worried feelings made it easy to get the message. In Digging the spaced out paragraphs made it harder to understand as the information was changing in every stanza. My personal opinion is that Catrin is a more successful poem as the layout of the poem made it easier to understand the message.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 36

Case Study Example This is especially because part of this is to be completed at home and without proper assistance and instructions for him, this could prove very difficult. Billy has a language helplessness and has limited knowledge of sight words and therefore the short sentences are appropriate to ensure that Billy understands better. Sight words will enhance his language as these words are universally preferred. Using visual cues and tactile like objects and pictures in explaining the concept to help Billy understand the whole concept of earth’s water distribution. In addition, involve the instructor paying more attention to Billy and move at his pace to ensure that he fully comprehend what needs to be done. Use of short sentences when structuring the data will also assist a lot because Billy can understand them better. Using visual cues and tactile like objects and pictures in explaining the concept to help Billy understand the whole concept of earth’s water distribution. In addition involve the instructor paying more attention to Billy and move at his pace to ensure that he fully understand what needs to be done. Use of short sentences when structuring the data will also assist a lot because Billy can understand them better. By using the visual aids in explaining the concept will improve the math ability of Billy and the increased attention given by the instructor to Billy will ensure that he is not left behind by the rest of the class as far as understanding the concept is concerned. Billy has a language disability and also his written expression is correspondently low and therefore requiring him to indicate like the other students what he knows or what he would like to know about the Earth’s water will be very difficult for him. The use of diagrams and charts of the earth and the water cover will first of all spark some interest in Billy and it is also easy to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

A Study on Food Safety Knowledge and Practices amongst the Domestic Essay

A Study on Food Safety Knowledge and Practices amongst the Domestic Female Food-Handlers in Medway, UK - Essay Example This essay stresses that though in an industrially developed country, like the United Kingdom, majority of the people are food-secured, food-related health problems are associated with two major factors: first, health risks stem from their domestic food-handling practices which essentially infringe food safety and second, the health problems are associated with nutritional risks. Both these food-related pathologies, together, pressure high on the health in the European countries as well as in the United Kingdom. This paper makes a conclusion that food preparation is one of the most critical stages in keeping the foods nutritious and safe to eat. In most cases, cross-contamination of foods with raw meat is the most common way of transferring salmonella, campylobacter and Escherichia coli with other foods found in the kitchen. For this reason, hand and food hygiene must be observed in order to prevent possible cross-contamination with raw meat. Based on the primary research findings, not all women in Medway, UK have sufficient knowledge with regards to the common techniques used in food handling, food preparation, and food storage. Since not all women in Medway, UK are highly skilled in managing contaminated foods, this study concludes that there is a strong need to deliver necessary health teaching intervention to help these women increase their ability to prepare foods that are safe for human consumption.